(LibertySociety.com) – Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has been consistently vocal about his pro-life plans if he wins the presidency in 2024. After signing a 6-week abortion ban in Florida back in April, the governor has faced criticism for what some believe to be a highly restrictive law. Previously, women could obtain an abortion up until 15 weeks of pregnancy in the state. The new law allows common exceptions for abortions up to 15 weeks for rape and incest but also includes an exception for victims of human trafficking. Fetal abnormalities and saving the life of the mother are also an exception, allowing abortion up until the third trimester in those instances.
During a recent interview with NBC’s Dasha Burns, she asked DeSantis if he would veto Republican legislation that places a federal ban on abortions. DeSantis has said that he intends to support pro-life legislation that comes to his desk once he is in the Oval Office but did not outright answer her question. Instead, he shifted the discussion to the radical abortion stance that the Democrat Party has adopted, telling Burns that some Democrats support abortion up until birth. Burns pushed back on DeSantis, claiming that he was misrepresenting the Democrats’ agenda.
Burns offered up a statistic to DeSantis, stating that just “1.3 percent of abortions happen at 21 weeks or higher.” DeSantis told Burns that the Democrats do not believe in protecting the unborn at any stage of pregnancy, which is one of his biggest concerns. He blasted Democrats for shifting from being pro-choice but discouraging abortion, to “viewing it more as a positive good for society.” His claim is backed up by comments made by officials in the Biden administration, including Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. In May 2022 just before the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Yellen said that the economy would suffer if women were not able to obtain an abortion because they would be forced to choose between their careers and motherhood.
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