(LibertySociety.com) – A Michigan teacher is considering legal action after she was fired from her position at Taylor Preparatory High School in the Detroit area. Domonique Brown has taught for seven years and was hired by the school to teach history last August. The decision to fire Brown reportedly has to do with her second profession, which is an aspiring rapper.
While not teaching, she goes by the name Drippin’ Honey and has several songs and music videos. Brown told Fox 2 that she was told her firing was the result of a parent complaining that she was not a good influence on students. However, she was voted as teacher of the month last December.
Brown said that she asked school administrators if the parent could come to the school and observe her behavior inside and outside the classroom, adding, “Can they come see me in my element before they try to say I’m unprofessional?” She told the outlet that the parent chose to remain anonymous and did not give specific details about what was found wrong with her rapping. She admitted that some of her lyrics contained profanity, but another parent argued that the words were not any different than other songs their children listen to online.
Brown said that she first met with the dean of the school and the principal last year after the parent complained. During a follow-up meeting around Thanksgiving, Brown said that she was given an ultimatum. The administration wanted her to delete all of her rap content from the internet, which she declined. She is passionate about her music and said she could not see herself giving that up simply because someone had a problem with the content. On her last day at the school in February, she made a now-viral music video with some of her students, called Drippin’ 101. Many parents of students at the school had only positive things to say about Brown, and hundreds of students signed a petition to try and force the school to continue her employment.
Taylor Preparatory School released a scathing statement about Brown after many inaccurate reports of her alleged firing were spread online. The school clarified that she resigned after multiple complaints were made by parents regarding Brown’s personal social media engagement with students. She was also warned repeatedly that she had violated the school’s conduct policy for teachers, which had been in place since the school was opened.
The statement also said that Brown had posted videos of minor students online without parental consent, noting that those parents had been advised on how to demand Brown remove the content. According to the statement, Brown had not taken any action to comply. Additionally, the statement said that Brown resigned so that she would not have to adhere to the school’s policies.
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