(LibertySociety.com) – Colorado Republican Representative Lauren Boebert’s personal life is back in the headlines again after her ex-husband was arrested on multiple charges. The Washington Post reported that Jayson Boebert called the police on January 6 claiming that he was a “victim of domestic violence.” He alleged that Lauren Boebert repeatedly punched him in the face during an altercation at the Miner’s Claim restaurant. Officers from the Silt Police Department said in a statement that Lauren Boebert was fully cooperative during the initial investigation, while Jayson Boebert was intoxicated and uncooperative.
The statement also said that officers did not find any evidence that Lauren Boebert had hit Jayson Boebert in the face and that he was asked to leave by staff members because of his behavior. Law enforcement ultimately dragged him out of the restaurant after he refused to leave following multiple requests. According to police, the restaurant did not have cameras inside the building. In addition, no witnesses have come forward to back up Jayson Boebert’s claims. Later on, he contacted Silt Police and recanted his accusations against Lauren Boebert. Police charged him with third-degree criminal trespass, disorderly conduct, and obstruction of a police officer. Lauren Boebert responded to the incident on January 8 during a Fox News interview with Jesse Waters.
Jayson Boebert’s troubles stem beyond that altercation, as his January 9 arrest included more charges from a separate incident. The former couple’s oldest son Tyler Boebert called 911 that day and reported that his father had “pushed him to the ground, put his hand in his mouth, and thrown his phone across the house.” The 18-year-old claimed that Jayson Boebert picked up a rifle after he heard Tyler Boebert on the phone with 911 but was unable to identify which gun he had grabbed. He told the dispatcher that his father appeared to be intoxicated. Police arrested Jayson Boebert and charged him with three misdemeanors, including third-degree assault, prohibited use of weapons, and harassment.
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