(LibertySociety.com) – Undoubtedly, some internet users were fooled when photos emerged of Elon Musk kissing what appeared to be several different female human-like robots. However, reports indicate that the photos were the product of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Regardless of their authenticity, the photos spread like wildfire online, as does most news about the billionaire entrepreneur. The user who shared the photos was attempting to warn about “the dangers of AI (artificial intelligence) in the coming period,” specifically calling out Musk’s Tesla Optimus robot.
Twitter users pointed out how real the photos appeared to be at first glance, noting how easily people can be fooled by AI. Others expressed their wish for a robotic partner instead of a human, longing for the ability to choose which features they desired without having to deal with certain unwanted characteristics of a real person. The photos certainly inspired conversation about the future of AI, which could prove beneficial for those who are unaware of the advancements that have been made in the field.
When Tesla’s Optimus robot was teased in late 2022, experts expressed their disappointment, with many choosing to bash the technology as inferior to what has already been created. However, on May 16th, 2023, Musk shared a video of the Optimus during an investor event for the brand, showcasing its ability to walk, leap, and pick up objects. The video showed how Optimus has “motor torque control,” as well as the ability to mimic the movements of humans. Although these robots are not as beautiful as the AI images that went viral online, Musk believes that they can be beneficial for labor needs. Musk plans to use these robots in Tesla factories soon, but it is unclear when they will be ready to begin their work in the real world. He projects the price of one Optimus to be around $20,000, making it an affordable option for companies that are looking to automate in ways that they have never been able to before.
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