(LibertySociety.com) – Following the mob attack at a Dagestan airport in Russia on October 29, Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov took a strong stance against the unrest. Appearing to show favor to Israelis, Kadyrov posted a video on his Telegram channel on October 31, sending out a “shoot-to-kill” order for unruly protestors. Previously, Kadyrov expressed support for Hamas after claiming that Israel stole land that belonged to Palestine. Kadyrov is closely aligned with Russian President Vladimir Putin, whose regime has sent mixed messages since the deadly Hamas terrorist attack on October 7.
A Russian state-sponsored media outlet repeated Kadyrov’s orders and said he had instructed the Interior Ministry as well as the National Guard to detain any protestors who caused trouble. Kadyrov said that they should fire warning shots into the air three times, but if they do not listen to authorities, “make the fourth shot in the forehead.” He also said that authorities would be suppressing any demonstrations related to the ongoing conflict between the Israel Defense Force (IDF) and Hamas.
The violent mob that stormed the gates at the airport ahead of an incoming flight to Israel was mostly made up of Muslims who were screaming “Allah Akbar” and threatening to kill any Jewish people they encountered. The flight had to be diverted to a nearby airport, but there were protestors there as well. The Kremlin blamed the mob attack on bad actors from Ukraine and the West, announcing that it had proof that a Ukrainian Telegram channel was encouraging people to go to the airport and attack Jews.
Nearly 1,500 people participated in the violent mob, and authorities have identified at least 150. Sixty people have also been arrested. United States Security Council spokesman John Kirby refuted Putin’s claim and called it Russian propaganda. He said that the Russian government always places the blame on someone else when something bad happens in its country. A spokesman from the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said the mob attack was a representation of the elitist antisemites in Russia.
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