Trump Mocks Fox News, Hails Newsmax

( – Former President Trump has never held back his opinion of the news media, notably going after right-leaning outlets that are in cahoots with the establishment wing of the Republican Party. Fox News has endured hit after hit since they called Arizona for then-presidential candidate Joe Biden before the polls even closed on election night, a move that caused instant uproar on social media from those who were watching every second of the network’s coverage. Many viewers quit watching after that debacle, but Fox stood by its decision to make the early call.

Then came the news that the Murdochs would be pushing Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to win the 2024 primary election, which is seemingly a repeat of Fox’s refusal to support candidate Trump in the 2016 primaries. Trump has repeatedly gone after the network for carrying water for DeSantis’ campaign, as the governor has struggled to make any gains since announcing his run for the Republican nomination. Millions of die-hard Trump supporters who were also fans of DeSantis see his decision as a betrayal, and this has likely affected DeSantis’ level of support.

Trump has frequently complimented alternative news outlets such as Newsmax, which has gained millions of viewers since the 2020 presidential election. He recently praised the network at the Turning Point Action conference on July 15, stating that “The Newsmax people have been really, really, terrific,” citing Newsmax host Greg Kelly as one to watch. He told the crowd that “Not all of Fox is bad,” adding that he was watching the audience when they were booing the network.

Trump continued his praise of other networks for their understanding of the condition of the United States, implying that viewers should choose to watch them over Fox. Fox has lost millions of viewers since they fired Tucker Carlson back in April, who has been touted by former President Trump as one of the greatest voices in the media. Carlson recently said that the 45th President is the only Republican candidate who is willing to question American involvement in the war in Ukraine.

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