(LibertySociety.com) – Vice President Kamala Harris has gained notoriety for her repeated false claims about various subjects since she took office, as well as a multitude of gaffes and her habit of laughing at inappropriate times. Most of her misrepresentations involve hot-button topics, such as gun control and climate change.
On July 16, VP Harris tweeted an image that stated, “Gun violence is the leading cause of death for our nation’s children,” captioning the photo with a call for new laws that she believes will stop criminals from obtaining and using weapons. However, according to the CDC, her claim is incorrect. Car accidents are the leading cause of death for children, accounting for 2,503 deaths in comparison to 2,281 deaths from shootings. Regarding accidental firearm deaths, there were around 121 in 2020.
VP Harris’ home state of California has more gun deaths than any other state, despite heavily regulating firearms, including a ban on “assault weapons.” Accidental firearm deaths are often portrayed as how children are killed with firearms, although most are the result of gang violence in urban areas where firearms are more restricted than in any other areas of the country.
Twitter users immediately pushed back on VP Harris’ claim, with some saying that abortion kills hundreds of thousands more children than guns, and others blasting her for claiming that restricting firearm ownership would make a difference. Many comments accused the VP of trying to trample on the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens instead of locking up criminals with lengthy criminal histories who kill children after being let out of jail.
Harris also recently came under fire after she stated that children would be able to breathe better and have access to cleaner water “When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population.” The population reduction comment immediately perked up the ears of those who believe there is an agenda to tamper procreation, and her comment did not help. The White House corrected the record on this claim, providing the transcript that showed VP Harris was supposed to say pollution instead of population, but it is doubtful they would admit fault.
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