Walz Busted for Misleading About Harvard Ties

(LibertySociety.com) – Democrat vice presidential nominee Tim Walz has been hammered for repeated false statements about his biography during his political career.

When he launched his first congressional campaign in 2006, Walz’s public biography included the claim that the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce named him the Outstanding Young Nebraskan for his service in the military, education, and small business.

While that boast is still included in the archived version of Walz’s campaign website, Barry Kennedy, the president of the Nebraska Chamber, informed Walz in November 2006 that the claim was false and his name was not listed among the recipients of any awards from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce.

Kennedy noted that the Chamber had endorsed Walz’s Republican opponent in the race and asked the Democrat to remove the reference to the award from his website.

Instead of removing the reference, Walz’s campaign manager claimed that the reference was a “typographical error” and the award Walz received was from the Junior Chamber of Commerce.

In the same congressional campaign, Walz claimed that he was hand-picked by Harvard University to travel to China to teach for a year.

The same public biography included the claim that Harvard offered Walz the opportunity to teach in China so he could “gain a new perspective on global education.”

Even after he was elected, Walz continued to claim that his yearlong teaching position in China was through a Harvard University program.

However, the claim is misleading.

The program, WorldTeach, was founded by Harvard undergraduates in 1986 and was funded for a time by the Harvard association Phillips Brooks House, which was a “student-run community service group” that provides resources to various nonprofit groups and helps facilitate Harvard student volunteers. WorldTeach was not an official program of Harvard University.

In recent years, Walz stopped referring to Harvard in his biography. Now, as Democrat vice presidential candidate, Walz routinely mocks his Republican opponent JD Vance for attending Yale University.

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