(LibertySociety.com) – Democrats and their friends in Hollywood have criticized Republicans for the so-called banning of books in recent years. Despite the fact that most books banned by schools around the country are available for purchase at any major book retailer, the party has capitalized on the talking point. They also ignore that the most widely banned books contain pornographic material that has no place in a school library. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has undoubtedly received the most backlash from across the aisle for refusing to cower to those pressuring to leave the books within the grasp of young minds.
Pop artist Pink will attempt to rectify what she believes are unjust policies in the state of Florida during her upcoming musical tour in the state. She plans to hand out four of the books that were banned, arguing that most of the banned books are about race and gender identity. On November 12, Pink appeared alongside the CEO of PEN America in a live Instagram video to make the announcement. The pair will work with Florida’s Books & Books to hand out the material, but no mention was made of the most controversial book “Gender Queer.” Pink’s announcement on X, formerly Twitter, did not go so well after she was community-noted for naming books that the state had not banned, such as “To Kill A Mockingbird.”
Pink released a statement with the announcement, where she wrote that she is “unwilling to stand by and watch while books are banned by schools.” Most schools are run by a board that votes on policy based on input from members of the community, but some states have written laws that schools must follow regarding the type of material that is allowed in classrooms. Pink claimed that schools were taking aim at “books about race and racism and against LGBT authors and those of color.” PEN America said that since 2021, there have been 6,000 occurrences of so-called bans. The state of Florida has led the fight against promoting pornographic and inappropriate material to students, accounting for 40 percent of the purported bans.
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