(LibertySociety.com) – A Houston pizza delivery driver allegedly defended himself by shooting and killing a man who attempted to rob him at gunpoint while he was delivering a pizza. The man arrived at a house on Yellowstone Boulevard at around 11 p.m. on May 12 but got into an argument with the customer. The delivery man pulled a gun and proceeded to shoot the customer. Once police arrived on the scene, the delivery man said that two men, one of whom had a firearm, attempted to rob him. He claimed that the second robber fled the scene after he shot the gun-wielding man.
Sergeant Mark Holbrook from the Houston Police Department said that investigators were trying to figure out what “went so wrong” during the altercation that resulted in shots being fired. The delivery man did not appear to have any injuries from the altercation. Police did not disclose the name of the man who was shot, but his brother, Ameer White, identified him to a local media outlet. He admitted that he knew the man was delivering pizza, but questioned why he felt the need to arm himself with a gun.
Holbrook confirmed that the delivery driver had told his side of the story to investigators and that witnesses were also providing statements about what they saw. It is unclear if the man will face charges, but the police department said that the decision would be made by a grand jury. Another pizza delivery gone wrong occurred in Ashland, Tennessee, on April 29 when an 18-year-old delivery man pulled into the wrong driveway and was shot by the homeowner.
As soon as he exited the vehicle, the neighbor, who had actually ordered the pizza, came outside and motioned for the delivery driver to come to his driveway instead. The delivery driver turned around to go back to his car, but the homeowner began firing his weapon anyway. A grand jury in Cheatham County indicted the homeowner for attempted second-degree murder, aggravated assault, and other charges.
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