(LibertySociety.com) – Failed 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton offered her advice to President Biden when debating former President Trump. While Clinton ultimately lost in 2016, she felt it was necessary to put her two cents in via an op-ed in a prominent American newspaper. She wrote that she “prepared intensely” before battling it out with Trump on the debate stage. She went as far as to hold a mock debate to help keep herself from lashing out when faced with tough questions and alleged lies about her from Trump. However, she admitted that Trump was a tough debater.
Clinton claimed it would be useless for Biden to try and prove Trump wrong and suggested that he speak directly and forcefully in his responses. She appeared to make preemptive excuses for why Biden may lose the debate, claiming that his demanding job as president undoubtedly prevented him from properly preparing for the head-to-head matchup. However, Biden has been holed up at Camp David since June 20, surrounded by advisers coaching him for the big night. He departed from the retreat and headed straight to Atlanta for the debate on June 27.
Certain rules for the debate were only enacted to cater to the Biden campaign, including no live audience and microphone cutting. Additionally, the two moderators are known anti-Trump media personalities. Trump recently told one media outlet that the network hosting the debate intentionally crafted the rules in hopes of him declining to participate. However, the 45th president said he immediately accepted before being presented with the conditions. A spokesperson for the Trump campaign applauded him for his boldness in agreeing to go on a network that “is clearly hostile to him.”
The second scheduled debate is set for September 10 and will be hosted by another left-leaning network. Trump has called for more debates, but the Biden campaign essentially closed the door on the possibility when it agreed to do only two.
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