(LibertySociety.com) – “Soft sermons produce soft saints,” proclaimed Pastor Myles Rutherford during an interview with Fox News Digital. Rutherford was speaking about the backseat that churches have taken when it comes to controversial issues that are plaguing the United States. He said that over the last few years, churches have shied away from preaching hard-hitting messages that address the relevant issues in today’s world. Instead, they have opted to focus on the motivational aspects of Christianity, while remaining silent on controversial topics.
Rutherford said that America would become godless within a quarter of a century if churches failed to start speaking up because “The culture is loud. Satan is loud right now.” He said that the Lord spoke to him just over two years ago as he was yearning for an understanding of why mainstream churches had gone silent. He attributes the Lord’s calling to his new book, “Raise Your Voice,” which addresses the problem head-on. Rutherford also discussed Christians’ increasing acceptance of lifestyles that are viewed as sinful in the Bible.
Rutherford’s church received backlash from LGBT groups earlier this year for its rainbow flag billboard campaign around the city. The billboards encouraged people to visit a website that featured testimonials from people who became Christians and abandoned their previous lifestyles. The groups claimed that the billboards would endanger LGBT individuals, but Rutherford stood his ground. He spoke about the persecution that early churches received when they began following Jesus’s teachings. He said that pushback should be expected and that churches should not remain silent due to fear. Rutherford also believes that Christian voices are being silenced by censorship, which is the prevailing method of pushback in today’s world. He believes that standing up and standing together is the way to revitalize Christianity but cautioned a graceful approach when witnessing to unbelievers.
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